Thaxian Warrior Mates Series by Elin Wyn, Starr Huntress

4.33 · 36 ratings
  • Reaver's Quest (Thaxian Warrior Mates #1)

    Reaver's Quest (Thaxian Warrior Mates #1)

    Elin Wyn, Starr Huntress

    · 10 ratings · published 2022

    He was unexpected.No.Our ship getting blown up was unexpected.Crashing on a planet filled with murder-goats was unexpected.Being rescued by a copper skinned, winged hunk with golden eyes and not wearing much more than a leather kilt and a weapon harness was so freaking miraculous that I wondered if I’d actually fallen off that cliff.This was just some sort of hallucination to keep my mind busy before I died, right?Because otherwise, unexpected just got very, very interesting.. more

  • Reaver's Claim (Thaxian Warrior Mates #2)

    Reaver's Claim (Thaxian Warrior Mates #2)

    Elin Wyn, Starr Huntress

    · 8 ratings · published 2022

    A thin line of warm light appeared at the edge of my vision, growing broader and brighter.Until a demon leaned over the edge of the pod, flickering light dancing over his red scaled features, dark horns jutting up through his short black hair.This time, I was the one who screamed.The sound of my voice in my ears shocked me back to reality.It wasn’t a nightmare, it wasn’t some hell or some devil.It was just another alien, like the dozens of species we’d met on the Dream... more

  • Reaver's Prize (Thaxian Warrior Mates #3)

    Reaver's Prize (Thaxian Warrior Mates #3)

    Elin Wyn, Starr Huntress

    · 6 ratings · published 2022

    A hulking shadow broke away from the surrounding darkness.Man shaped, but far too tall, shoulders too broad, he was at my side before I had fully registered his presence.One massive hand clamped over my wrist, covering the comm bangle, nearly muting Kyla's message."Please," I begged. "That's my friend, I need to know what she's saying.”But that was as far as I got.With a quick twist he pulled me tight against his body, my back to his chest, pressing his other hand over my mouth... more

  • Reaver's Kiss (Thaxian Warrior Mates #4)

    Reaver's Kiss (Thaxian Warrior Mates #4)

    Elin Wyn

    · 6 ratings · published 2022

    “What are you?” a deep voice rumbled, and I sat up in shock then froze.I was at the side of a clearing, tall, twisted trees lacing the sky with slender branches far overhead all around, deep shadows at their bases.A circle of dark sky above was filled with a giant full moon.I swallowed hard.To its side, I saw a second smaller orb.Two moons. That… that was different.I looked around again. “Who’s there? Who spoke to me?”A dark form separated from one of the trees and I stayed very still... more

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