The Book of Cthulhu Series by Ross E. Lockhart, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Ramsey Campbell, Charles Stross, Bruce Sterling, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, W.H. Pugmire, Molly Tanzer, Michael Shea, Elizabeth Bear, T.E.D. Klein, David Drake, Charles R. Saunders, Thomas Ligotti, Kage Baker, Edward Morris, Cherie Priest, John Hornor Jacobs, Brian McNaughton, Ann K. Schwader, Steve Duffy, Joe R. Lansdale, Brian Lumley, Tim Pratt, Gene Wolfe, Joseph S. Pulver Sr., John Langan, Laird Barron, Sarah Monette, John R. Fultz, Paul Tobin, William Browning Spencer, Kim Newman, Christopher Reynaga, Gord Sellar, Michael Chabon, Mark Samuels, Matt Wallace, Stanley C. Sargent, Orrin Grey, Karl Edward Wagner, Neil Gaiman, Cody Goodfellow, Fritz Leiber, Livia Llewellyn, Adam Scott Glancy, Jonathan Wood

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