The Rats and the Bats Series by Dave Freer, Eric Flint

3.85 · 26 ratings
  • Rats, Bats & Vats (The Rats and the Bats #1)

    Rats, Bats & Vats (The Rats and the Bats #1)

    Dave Freer, Eric Flint

    · 14 ratings · published 2000

    Chip Connolly was a conscripted grunt in trouble: stuck behind enemy lines with a bunch of cyber-uplifted rats and bats. Rats with human speech, but with rat priorities: sex, food and strong drink. And the bats were revolutionaries planning to throw off the human yoke -- with high explosive. Then there was the girl they'd rescued. Rich. Beautiful. With a passionate crush on her "heroic" rescuer... more

  • The Rats, the Bats & the Ugly (The Rats and the Bats #2)

    The Rats, the Bats & the Ugly (The Rats and the Bats #2)

    Eric Flint, Dave Freer

    · 12 ratings · published 2004

    The intrepid team of mentally uplifted rats and bats, and their vat-born human leader had not only pulled off the only victory the beleaguered colony's feeble military forces had won against the invading aliens, but had also uncovered the secret that the invaders were really a feint, being under the control of the other aliens which the naive humans had thought were their allies... more

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