Wide-Awake Princess Series by E.D. Baker

4.14 · 93 ratings
  • The Wide-Awake Princess (Wide-Awake Princess #1)

    The Wide-Awake Princess (Wide-Awake Princess #1)

    E.D. Baker

    · 25 ratings · published 2010

    In this new stand-alone fairy tale, Princess Annie is the younger sister to Gwen, the princess destined to be Sleeping Beauty. When Gwennie pricks her finger and the whole castle falls asleep, only Annie is awake, and only Annie-blessed (or cursed?) with being impervious to magic-can venture out beyond the rose-covered hedge for help. She must find Gwen's true love to kiss her awake... more

  • Unlocking the Spell (Wide-Awake Princess #2)

    Unlocking the Spell (Wide-Awake Princess #2)

    E.D. Baker

    · 18 ratings · published 2012

    Now that Annie has helped her sister Gwendolyn (a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty) wake up from the 100-year curse by finding her beloved prince, you would think that things would get back to normal. Think again! That beloved prince, Beldegard, is stuck in the body of a bear and the only way that Annie can be free of the two irritating lovebirds is to help-by finding the evil dwarf who cast the spell... more

  • The Bravest Princess (Wide-Awake Princess #3)

    The Bravest Princess (Wide-Awake Princess #3)

    E.D. Baker

    · 14 ratings · published 2014

    Sleeping Beauty's younger, non-magical sister, Annie, still can't rest while trouble in the kingdom threatens her good friend, Snow White. Snow White's evil stepmother has disappeared, and her father wants her married off right away--but who should she choose? How can she tell which prince is best? It's Annie and her good friend Liam to the rescue! A hilarious and and fantastical romp through a fairy tale landscape from beloved author E D Baker.

  • Princess in Disguise (Wide-Awake Princess #4)

    Princess in Disguise (Wide-Awake Princess #4)

    E.D. Baker

    · 12 ratings · published 2015

    With the help of family and friends, Annie and Liam's wedding day looks as if it's going to be perfect until everything starts to go wrong. Liam's father doesn't show up, nor do the magic-wielding guests. Members of the wedding party come down with strange afflictions, Annie's gown is ruined, a storm floods the castle grounds, and an unknown king lays seige to the castle... more

  • Princess Between Worlds (Wide-Awake Princess #5)

    Princess Between Worlds (Wide-Awake Princess #5)

    E.D. Baker

    · 10 ratings · published 2016

    Just as Annie and Liam are busy making plans to travel the world, a witch shows up and gives them a collection of postcards from the Magic Marketplace. Each postcard gives Annie and Liam the opportunity to travel to exotic lands and far-flung kingdoms. What the witch doesn't give them are directions on how to safely return.

  • The Princess and the Pearl (Wide-Awake Princess #6)

    The Princess and the Pearl (Wide-Awake Princess #6)

    E.D. Baker

    · 8 ratings · published 2017

    When Princess Annie's father and uncle fall ill and no doctors in Treecrest can cure them, there's only one person who might be able to help -- a healer who lives in Skull Cove, all the way on the other side of the world. To journey there, Annie and Liam must set sail on dangerous seas full of sea monsters and magical creatures. There, Annie finds out that the only cure for her father is a giant pearl that's been stolen and held captive by a protective sea witch... more

  • Princess Before Dawn (Wide-Awake Princess #7)

    Princess Before Dawn (Wide-Awake Princess #7)

    E.D. Baker

    · 6 ratings · published 2018

    Princess Annie's beloved kingdom is threatened to be overtaken in the seventh book in the Wide-Awake Princess series.Annie's beloved home Treecrest has become a favorite destination for all sorts of magical beings. One new set of guests are particularly strange, and they are ready to take over a new hunting ground. Annie and Liam turn to their only friends who can help, Francis and Zoe... more

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