Blades of the Fallen Series by Ryan Kirk

4.14 · 28 ratings
  • Nightblade's Vengeance (Blades of the Fallen #1)

    Nightblade's Vengeance (Blades of the Fallen #1)

    Ryan Kirk

    · 12 ratings · published 2017

    In a thrilling fantasy series from the author of the Nightblade novels, revenge becomes a quest for a young female warrior.In a feudal land, a Kingdom is at risk. With no heir to the fragile throne, its future rests with the powerful members of the dying king’s Council, including Minori, a nightblade warrior, and Kiyoshi, a dayblade healer. The two men are bound by the sword but divided by two opposing principles: rule the land, or serve it... more

  • Nightblade's Honor (Blades of the Fallen #2)

    Nightblade's Honor (Blades of the Fallen #2)

    Ryan Kirk

    · 10 ratings · published 2018

    In the riveting sequel to Nightblade’s Vengeance, the nightblades must choose a side, and the Kingdom will either rise again… or shatter into pieces.With the realm on the brink of war, the once-celebrated blades have become an easy target for the rage of its devastated citizens. The nightblade warrior Asa’s lifelong quest for vengeance is over, but now she finds herself on the run from the people she sought to protect... more

  • Nightblade's End (Blades of the Fallen #3)

    Nightblade's End (Blades of the Fallen #3)

    Ryan Kirk

    · 6 ratings · published 2019

    The Kingdom is at war, and the blades face extinction. Exhausted and dispirited, Asa wants only to put the conflicts of the past behind her. But with her home burned to the ground and her people hunted in nearly every corner of the Kingdom, there is no escape. Unlike Koji, who has wholeheartedly pledged his sword to Lady Mari, Asa isn’t sure she believes in the future. High in the mountains, Lady Mari fights against the currents of history... more

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