A Tempest of Shadows Series by Jane Washington

4.34 · 47 ratings
  • A Tempest of Shadows (A Tempest of Shadows #1)

    A Tempest of Shadows (A Tempest of Shadows #1)

    Jane Washington

    · 13 ratings · published 2020

    I was born with a curse that spun a violent storm around me, seizing every beautiful and fragile thing that flittered into my life, tearing it all from my grasp as effortlessly as the wings of a butterfly are torn from its body. Or so I thought, anyway.It all changed when they came for me, when they dragged me to trial for my crimes. I should have faced execution, but fate is a fickle and funny thing, taunting me with the knowledge that I was always destined to be so much more... more

  • A City of Whispers (A Tempest of Shadows #2)

    A City of Whispers (A Tempest of Shadows #2)

    Jane Washington

    · 10 ratings · published 2021

    A reverse harem, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance.“The relentless clock of fate was groaning over to the next hour, ringing the arrival of a battle as old as time, sounding the final alarm, the final chance to fall to our blades or lift them high. It was repeating infernal hours that grew hungrier with each turn, more vicious than the day, the year, the century before.”The end was here.The great war had begun... more

  • A Dream of Embers (A Tempest of Shadows #3)

    A Dream of Embers (A Tempest of Shadows #3)

    Jane Washington

    · 8 ratings · published 2021

    “I had dreams of the sun dying like hot coal smothered by sand, suffocating in a world where darkness hunted light ... but then I woke and saw that it had risen again, and I knew we would be no different.From this battle to the next, we would endure.”What began as a war of force had turned to one of secrets and strategies. An army was amassing in the shadows, hidden from our eyes, slipping into our ranks until there was nowhere safe to turn, and nobody left to trust... more

  • A Castle of Ash (A Tempest of Shadows #4)

    A Castle of Ash (A Tempest of Shadows #4)

    Jane Washington

    · 8 ratings · published 2021

    A reverse harem, enemies to lovers, slow burn romance.“This world has fallen to sickness and shadow. It has bound my hands and blinded me, picking away at the things I love until even my conscience has slipped off to some forlorn cage within my mind, locked away as a traitor. I once feared the storm inside me. Now I would give anything to have it back.”To prove the purity of my soul, I sacrificed everything... more

  • A World of Lost Words (A Tempest of Shadows #5)

    A World of Lost Words (A Tempest of Shadows #5)

    Jane Washington

    · 8 ratings · published 2021

    I was born with a shadow inside me, a beast clawing and ripping its way to freedom. I was born with a clock inside me, the tick-ticking of my heartbeat drawing us all closer to the inevitable, the inescapable. The end of everything.And now, finally, it has arrived.The world is burning, the souls are screaming, the castles are crumbling. Death is here for us all, but I am a warrior of light, a conqueror of worlds, a protector of souls... more

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