Arturo Sandus Series by Peter Rhodan

4.26 · 54 ratings
  • On The Rocks (Arturo Sandus #1)

    On The Rocks (Arturo Sandus #1)

    Peter Rhodan

    · 10 ratings · published 2020

    Captain Arturo Sanders was having a bad day. First the routine destruction of some ancient automatic defence batteries became a disaster when his ship’s screens failed and he had no choice to abandon ship. Then he had to rescue two left behind crew people which meant he missed the main shuttle evacuation leaving him and his two companions in a shuttle on their own at the rear... more

  • Raising Steam (Arturo Sandus #2)

    Raising Steam (Arturo Sandus #2)

    Peter Rhodan

    · 8 ratings · published 2020

    Captain Arturo Sanders, former spaceship captain, now sword sandal epic lead character, has settled into his accidental time travel adventure. Sort of. Or is it time travel? All those paradox questions like if he changes his current now and as a result changes the history of the future, then how does come back to make those changes if his future no longer exists?In the end he largely shelved these arguments as well as the ones that suggested he was in an alternate universe anyway... more

  • Getting Fired Up (Arturo Sandus #3)

    Getting Fired Up (Arturo Sandus #3)

    Peter Rhodan

    · 8 ratings · published 2020

    Arturo Sandus, Federation Space Captain is a long, long way from home, but he is building a new home in Britannia of the early 5th Century. His plan to industrialize a moribund northern part of the dying Roman Empire is progressing but not without issues. His memory and lack of knowledge is proving troublesome. Just how do you make electricity?The neighbours are even more troublesome, wanting to invade and get into that rape and pillage stuff... more

  • Rolling South (Arturo Sandus #4)

    Rolling South (Arturo Sandus #4)

    Peter Rhodan

    · 8 ratings · published 2020

    Arturo Sandus, former Federation Space Captain is building a new life in Britannia of the early 5th Century. He is industrializing the moribund northern part of the dying Roman Empire while slowly expanding his control to areas of Gaul and Hispania.The Emperor Honorius in Ravenna is not amused and decides enough is enough from these uppity Republicans and sends his armies north to deal with this Arturo fellow... more

  • Sailing East (Arturo Sandus #5)

    Sailing East (Arturo Sandus #5)

    Peter Rhodan

    · 6 ratings · published 2021

    Flavius Theodosius Iunior, by the grace of God, Augustus of the Eastern Half of the Roman Empire was having a bad day. The damn Republicans had sent their fleet to attack Constantinopolis, his elder sister, who was no longer his Regent, yet still acted like she was, along with his Praetorian Prefect thought the Empire needed someone more mature in charge during these trying times, not the sixteen-year-old on the throne... more

  • Taking Off (Arturo Sandus #6)

    Taking Off (Arturo Sandus #6)

    Peter Rhodan

    · 8 ratings · published 2021

    Arturo Sandus, starship Captain and inadvertent time traveler has finally defeated the last remnants of the old Imperial forces and secured the borders of the Empire. He has restored the Roman Republic, admittedly an all-new modern and hopefully longer-lasting Republic, and is looking forward to some time at home with his lovely wife, Morghanna... more

  • Foreign Travels (Arturo Sandus #7)

    Foreign Travels (Arturo Sandus #7)

    Peter Rhodan

    · 6 ratings · published 2021

    Arturo Sandus, starship Captain and inadvertent time traveler, is now working on improving the tech level of the Roman Empire, stepping away from civil and military activities. His aim now is to build up the tech level to a point where he can build a spaceship that will hopefully take him home. A development that is still decades away, at least.Others are taking advantage of the advances he has introduced to further Roman knowledge and power... more

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