Daughter of the Lioness Series by Tamora Pierce

4.31 · 85 ratings
  • Trickster's Choice (Daughter of the Lioness #1)

    Trickster's Choice (Daughter of the Lioness #1)

    Tamora Pierce

    · 34 ratings · published 2003

    Alianne is the teenage daughter of the famed Alanna, the first lady knight in Tortall. Young Aly follows in the quieter footsteps of her father, however, delighting in the art of spying. When she is captured and sold as a slave to an exiled royal family in the faraway Copper Islands, it is this skill that makes a difference in a world filled with political intrigue, murderous conspiracy, and warring gods. This is the first of two books featuring Alianne.

  • Tricksters (Daughter of the Lioness #1-2)

    Tricksters (Daughter of the Lioness #1-2)

    Tamora Pierce

    · 18 ratings · published 2005

    Sixteen is a rebellious age for most young people, and Aly is no exception. With her mother, the lady knight Alanna, forever being summoned to some crisis or other, and the young men of Tortall little more than diversions, Aly is bored and restless. Her father is second-in-command of the country's spies- of only he would let her be one! The former king of thieves, he had trained her in the arts of espionage and knows that she is capable of taking care of herself... more

  • Trickster's Queen (Daughter of the Lioness #2)

    Trickster's Queen (Daughter of the Lioness #2)

    Tamora Pierce

    · 33 ratings · published 2004

    Aly’s adventure continues…. No longer a slave, Alanna’s daughter is now spying as part of an underground rebellion against the colonial rulers of the Copper Isles. The people in the rebellion believe that a prophecy in which a new queen will rise up to take the throne is about to be realized. Aly is busy keeping the potential teenage queen and her younger siblings safe, while also keeping her in the dark about her future... more

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