Rats Series by James Herbert

3.90 · 60 ratings
  • The Rats (Rats #1)

    The Rats (Rats #1)

    James Herbert

    · 24 ratings · published 1974

    The first novel of James Herbert, The Rats was an immediate hardcover and paperback bestselling sensation that spawned two sequels. Simultaneously praised for is reinvention of horror as more immediate and graphic, and derided for its gratuitous violence and non-literary writing, The Rats nevertheless raised serious issues about government response to horror, particularly when the horror happens to lower-class citizens... more

  • Lair (Rats #2)

    Lair (Rats #2)

    James Herbert

    · 18 ratings · published 1979

    James Herbert’s sequel to The Rats, Lair, was first published in 1979 in the United Kingdom and the United States, and featured a new cast of heroes and the steady maturation of Herbert’s writing style. Characterizations and action are more ably handled, and this sequel is in many ways superior to the original. The work of James Herbert (1943-2013) is now recognized, thanks largely to the efforts of Ramsey Campbell and Stephen King, as a significant contribution to the field... more

  • Domain (Rats #3)

    Domain (Rats #3)

    James Herbert

    · 18 ratings · published 1983

    The long-dreaded nuclear conflict. The city torn apart, shattered, its people destroyed or mutilated beyond hope. For just a few, survival is possible only beneath the wrecked streets - if there is time to avoid the slow-descending poisonous ashes. But below, the rats, demonic offspring of irradiated forebears, are waiting. They know that Man is weakened, become frail. Has become their prey...

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